Sunday, November 26, 2017

On Ringo Lake - Week 1

Hey all ... so obviously Mom and I took a long hiatus from Farm Girl in order to work on other projects.  We have been talking about getting it back out to work on but lately there has just been other things ... like the Bonnie Hunter Mystery 2017!!  (For those of you who don't know about Bonnie Hunter, her website and blog are here.)

I love Bonnie's quilts but had never heard of her mystery quilt that she puts out each year, until last year.  In 2016 I followed along with her clues each week but did not start the quilt top until I had a few clues and felt a bit more comfortable (I was really nervous!)  Then I was hooked, and completed my top sometime in the spring.  I haven't found the perfect backing yet, so it remains unquilted.

This year, Mom decided to do the mystery quilt also.  Mom switched up her colors a bit from what Bonnie suggests, using black, yellow, and a greenish teal.  I am keeping mine brown, melon, and a blueish teal.  Since Mom and I live in the same house and use the same stash, we figured we better use different colors.

A couple of our friends are doing the quilt also, and came over to our "Happy Place" for a mystery kick-off sewing party.  Everyone is doing different colors so I can't wait to see how they all turn out.  I forgot to get a picture of everyone, but below are mine and Mom's finished Clue 1 pieces.  It's difficult to tell in the picture, but mine are on the left.  Thanks Bonnie for only having us do 50 of these ... I'm a bit scared for the next clue!!

Until next time ... Happy Sewing!

Cat and Sue