Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A2Z Challenge: Block H

Hourglass and Hearth & Home


The first block representing "H" is Hourglass.  There are a few variations in the books, but I did the most basic because visually this looks more like an hourglass than some of the others.  I also decided the hourglass needed to be neutral to make it stand out more.  The picture shown is actually a remake.  The first, made some time ago, was smaller for some reason, and I would have lost points if I put the border on it.  I like the colors of the new one, so I'm glad I remade it.

The second block is called Hearth & Home.  The pattern for this block actually measured 8 3/4 inches.  I was making all 9 inch blocks, but I'm also bordering them.  It wouldn't take much to make the border just a hair bigger to accommodate the smaller block.  I tried it and with all the other blocks you cannot tell the difference.  I love the look of this block ... and it came together well!

Thanks for stopping by!  See you tomorrow!  Happy sewing!


Note:  If you are new to "Blogging from A to Z", check out their website here.  This is my second year participating, but my first on this blog.  For an introduction to my A to Z project, read my preview blog post for this year posted here.


  1. Hearth and Home looks Christmasy. Love it!
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations

  2. cbyerly1@verizon.netApril 10, 2019 at 12:38 PM

    Finally checked this out. Great blocks and super info with each block. Love all the progress you have made since you entered this terrific hobby. Love Cheryl
