Sunday, April 14, 2019

A2Z Challenge: Block L


Okay ... I know that it's Sunday!  Let's just call it an "ooops" and move on, shall we.  I'm just going to blame my mom by saying she had me thinking yesterday was Sunday, for part of the day anyway.  When I realized it was Saturday, completing a blog post has already left my mind.

Anyway, Louisiana is block "L".  This was another redo ... but this time it was because the first one was too small.  I have no idea what happened.  The second one is just right.  I love the rose colored homespun material and the simplicity of this block helps balance the quilt a bit.

I have two more rows put together, for a total of three!  Louisiana will be the first block in row 4.

I am not a photographer ... using an older phone and whatever light happens to be in the sewing room at the time ... but seeing both rows together is getting me excited to see the entire top finished!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!  See you tomorrow!  Happy sewing!


Note:  If you are new to "Blogging from A to Z", check out their website here.  This is my second year participating, but my first on this blog.  For an introduction to my A to Z project, read my preview blog post for this year posted here.

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